Thursday, February 17, 2011

CIS 3810 Project: Analysis of New Media in Entertainment

The new media in entertainment has both positive and negative effects on society. I will be researching the positive and negative effects of new media in entertainment by using scholarly sources and online articles about new media. I will analyze my research and determine how new media effects society as a whole and how it effects individuals within society. I may also survey a random sample of individuals to ask them how they think new media in entertainment has both positive and negative effects in society. Below is a list of examples of the positive and negative effects that new media in entertainment has on society:

Positive Effects on Society:
  • People can get instant access to world news through the Internet from online news websites
  • People can reconnect with old friends/elementary school classmates through social networks
  • The new media in entertainment is convenient for people to access
  • People can watch television shows and movies by paying and downloading online or by watching for free on a television network's website (with advertisements)
  • It is easier to communicate with people via e-mail and VOIP (i.e., Skype, Google Voice)

Negative Effects on Society:

  • Children are spending more time on the Internet and spending less time outdoors
  • The new media in entertainment may be addictive and disruptive to daily activities
  • People's personal information may be sold to others without their approval/knowledge
  • People become lazy
  • Government and politics may make relations between foreign countries fragile


  1. Hi Susing,

    I think your topic is a great idea! I also like the idea of how you are going to take a random sample of individuals for a survey. Entertainment in the world has always been a popular trend that people always keep up with. Good luck on your research!

  2. I think your Positive and negative effects are great!

  3. New media, although it is great and convenient in so many ways, can also be so harmful to the youth of society today. High school students today all have cell phones with internet access to Youtube, Facebook and twitter; this was something that high school students didn't have 5 years ago. You're right when you say that new media can be addictive and disruptive to today's youth, in such a way that didn't exist a few years ago.

    I'm excited to see where you take this research paper. Good luck.

  4. Susing, this is a great topic. I would be very interested in reading the information you obtain about how relations between countries become fragile as a result of new media. I haven't seen an example of how new media could be responsible for something like this. The issue about information being obtained without the knowledge and permission of individuals is something that new media users do not often think about. I am sure that you will get great information for the class paper, when you do please share the information with us!

  5. Wow, great analysis of New Media effects.
    Also great topic.
    And I totally agree with you.
    That New Media could be good but also could be bad.
    Personally, because of these new media technologies, I would be able to reconnect with my childhood friends in my native country. Most importantly, with my Grandparents. I haven't seen them for a long time, and now we could even see each other on the web by using the webcam. It's not only saves me the time, also money, because we used to mail the photos back and forth.
    Undeliably, new media technology also could be bad, a lot children now play games on computer everytime they get home, by that,a lot of childrens now have blur eyes view and have to wear glasses.
