Thursday, March 31, 2011


New media fosters creativity because of the way it can be used in social media.  The use of media can evolve from one original purpose into multiple uses.  The originators of an idea can foster the creativity or the users of a medium of social media can direct and foster the creativity.  For example, as written in the New York Times article "Twitter Serves Up Ideas From Its Followers" by Claire Cain Miller, Twitter initially started as a service that offered users the ability to post 140 character messages.  Over the past two years, as Twitter evolved and its user base grew, it observed how users Tweeted and utilized Twitter.  For example, Twitter users used symbols such as @ or # to refer to someone or a topic.  Today, Twitter has over 200 million users and the number continues to grow.  As technology advances and people become more involved in social media, individuals are collaborating together to create new innovations.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree about people collaborating to create new innovations as the need for them arises. As you mentioned Twitter started out as a simple message service. I would describe Twitter as the result of convergence of internet based social networking technology, IM's and text messages to encompass all 3 things simultaneously. Essentially, Twitter killed chat rooms, as the chat is now happening live and among people we actually know or know of, which is an upside to the pointless babble of anonymous chat.
