Sunday, March 13, 2011


Compared to a Blackboard discussion, a Twitter discussion can be shared with anyone who is following the Tweeter.  In addition, in a Twitter discussion, Tweets may only be up to 140 characters long.  In a Blackboard discussion, there is no limit (at least I don't think there is) to the length of writing and the discussion can only be viewed by the professor and classmates in the same course section.  Twitter and Blackboard discussions are both similar because discussions are not in real-time like an in-class discussion.  In in-class discussions, everyone is physically sitting together in a classroom communicating in real-time so the discussions are more (pro)active.

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't say that in class discussions are more proactive than Blacboard or Twitter discussions. Often many people sit in a classroom and not participate at all in the discussion. Some may not even pay attention to the discussion because they know that as long as they pass the exams or write the required papers that their professors will give them a good grade. Twitter and Blackboard require a student to think and put their ideas foward so that others learn from from. The quantity of information is very different in physical class discussions.
